Focus eMail

dynamic Personalised content for effective campaigns

Improve open rates and reach your customers with personalised content in Maileon.

Personalize your content to increase open rates.

Individualised, relevant content can cut through the clutter in your audience’s email.

You may boost revenue by personalising email marketing efforts to match the interests of your audience. With personalisation, recipients get emails that are tailored to them specifically and include relevant information, increasing the likelihood that the messages will be opened and read.

Personalisation is essential.

Email personalization can be done in a variety of methods, each with varying complexity. To dynamic content based on the recipient’s gender, geography, purchasing patterns, or data based on how they interact with your company, from using the subscriber’s name in the subject line.

It’s crucial to take the time to determine what functions for your particular organisation. Shops who interact with customers will have quite different requirements than insurance businesses. Yet, personalisation can help both audiences remember the message and generate the required engagement and action.

Use dynamic content to increase relevance

Personalization need not be limited to a brief subject line or portion of your email. Using Maileon, you may entirely dynamically change elements or emails.

You can customise complete offers, messages, and more by using dynamic content and features. By doing this, the most relevant and interesting content is displayed to them, increasing the likelihood that they will make a purchase.

Patented technology

Many personalization possibilities are available in Maileon, including dynamic text (for the subject line, for instance), dynamic content on a context level (such as hiding the unsubscribe link when shared via social media), customised graphics, and even tailored sending times. Due to proprietary technology and a foundation of historical open, click, and conversion statistics, dynamic content is scaleable. letting you achieve your objectives and your target audience.

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Email Marketing Automation That Matches Your Ambitions​